* Water Features-water falls/Fountains/garden ponds/Ready made fountaion/water cascade and water stream
* Garden Design
* Fencing
* Patios/Path way
* Decking
* Pergola
* Play area
* Sprinklers and drip irrigation systems
* Fertile or soil filling
Foliage and Flowering shrubs
* Foliage and Flowering ground covers.
* Medicinal plants
* Fruit trees
* Indoor plants
* Palm trees
* Courtyards Landscape
* Seating Bays/ Benches
* Garden Maintenance
* Bird and Butterfly Gardens
* Rock Garden
* Terrace garden/ Roof Garden
* Tree Transplanting
* Screen planting
* Garden steps
* Retaining wall
* Wooden bridges
* Wooden Gazebo/Summer Houses
* Lawn
* Shade and Flowering trees
We even have our own 0.5 acre nursery from which we stock your garden and invite you to browse around our mature gardens to help make your choice of plants.
Azadiracta Indica, Cassia siamea, Acacia Auriculiformis, Ashoka Pendula, Anthocephalus Cadamaba, Alostonia Scholaris, Cassia Nodosa, Callistemon Lanceolatous (Bottel Brush), Cordia Subestina, Samanea Saman (Rain Tree), Deloinx Regia, Eucalyptus Globulus, Ficus Spp, Grevillea Robusta (Silver Oak), Jacaranda, Millingtonia Hortensis, Meliazedarach, Plumeria Obtuse, Peltophaorum, Spathodia Campanulata, Swietenia mahogany, Thespesia Populnea, Terminalia Catappa, Tebebuia Tromia, etc.
Adenium obesum, Albizia Jolibrizin, Alocasia, Bougainvellia, Carrisa, Coccoloba uvifera, Coleus, Gardenia, Hibiscus, Hymenocallis littoralis, Hemelia Dwarf, Ixora, Jetropha, Jasmine sambac, Lagerstromia, Murraya paniculata, Murraya Exotica, Nerium Oleander, Quisquilis Indica, Rose, Strelitzia Reginae, Thivetia Peruviana, etc.
Aglonema Sp, Aralia Varigata, Arca Plam, Raphish Palm, Diffenbachia Sp, Dracaena Sp, Ficus, Aralia Maranta Zebrina, Monstera, Ployscias, Philodendron, King Palm, Spathipillam, etc…
Earva Sanginoler, Latana Mixed Colors, Lilly Sp, Weediliya Sp, Emigraphes, Rippan Grass, Alelia Varigated, Acalypha, Ajuga Reptans, Begonia Hybrida, Callisia Repents, Chlorophytum, Catharonthus Rosea, Chilorophytum comosum, Cissus Rhombifolia Episcia, Galphemia, Pedilanthus, Philodendron
Acrus Sapota (Chikku Grafted), Citrus reticulate (Orange Grafted), Citrus sinensis (Sweet Lime Grafted), Citrus Maxima (Pupnuss Grafted), Citrus Paradis (Grapefruit Grafted), Confires, Guava, Mangifera indica ( Mango Grafted), Mulberry White, Zyzyphus jujuba (Ber Grafted) Lemon etc.
Adhatoda Va Sica (Bakas) Aloe indica, Asparagus recemosus, Coleus amboinicus, Hemidesmus (Hatisur), Mimosa pudica (Lajwanti), Ocimum basilicum (Babul Tulsi), Plumbago rosea (Rakta chita), Solanum xanthocarpum, Wadelia calendulacea (Bhrami)
Korean Grass, Doop Grass, Mercian Grass, Fofflo Grass, and etc…
Our work is anchored upon the firm foundations of harmonious landscape architecture & design. Oh! Yes, we are well aware of the latest buzzwords – “natural”, “organic”, “environmentally responsible”, “ecology”. Thus we take good care that our landscape systems are low maintenance landscape with only positive effects on our environment.
We specialize in supply of small plants to Large Trees till 3 Ft. to 20 Ft. Height. These ranges from old favorites to exotic and unusual specimen plants, bulbs, shrubs, topiary, groundcovers, different types of turf, earth and pebbles. We pride ourselves on selecting only the highest possible quality for inclusion in the range. We have a big team of trained and experienced staff. We have plants and landscaping ideas for every situation, so whether the spot you have in mind is sunny, shady, dry or just plain awkward, please don’t hesitate to ask for suggestion.